<![CDATA[Joanne Wilshin - Writer. Teacher. Explorer. - Happiness Path Blog]]>Fri, 03 Jan 2025 13:38:56 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[What IS that feeling telling you?]]>Wed, 08 Jul 2020 19:18:51 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/what-is-that-feeling-telling-you
  Feeling sad, mad, jealous, guilty, angsty, irate, fearful?

  Your first question should be, “What do I fear? What do I fear in this moment?”

  When the answer comes, accept it as truth whatever it is.

  Then, ask yourself, “What else do I fear in this moment?”

Then, ask yourself, “What else do I fear in this moment?”

  Again, accept as truth whatever answer comes to you.

  Consider jotting these answers down, because you don’t want to forget them.

  Repeat this questioning a couple more times. The more you ask, the deeper you’ll go.
  For example, what initially may seem like a petty, annoying feeling of jealousy may uncover your great fear that you’ll never have your heart’s desire. That it will be stolen from you. Or that you don’t deserve it. Or that, once again, it slips through your fingers because of something you do.

  Why is it important to know what you fear?
  Because it reveals what you want and have the ability to create.

  You want your heart’s desire. You want to experience that without someone trying to take it from you. Or you want your heart’s desire and to feel in your bones that you deserve it. Or that you have your heart’s desire, and that you keep it and don’t let it slip through your fingers.

  The point is that you’ll never truly know what you deeply want if you don’t ask yourself what you fear.

  Then once you know what you truly want, start doing the work to create it.

  Of course, the most helpful way to learn to create is to read The Happiness Path. It’s all there in one book.

  Reading blog posts from The Happiness Path will also help. Consider these:

Don’t Force Yourself To Be Happy About Something You Hate. Create What You'll Love.
You know you’re on your Happiness Path if . . . .
Get clear about what you desire
Great but simple relationship help: Use your imagination!
Your magic comes from your Creative System
”This book fills in all the holes that the other books lefts me with.”
The Happiness Path
I cannot say enough about this book. I have read almost all of the famous books out there about the mind-body connection and how your body reacts/responds/creates your life from a combination of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, including but not limited to "Ask and it is Given," by Esther and Jerry Hicks & "Excuse me, your life is waiting," by Lynn Grabhorn and several others. This book fills in all the holes that the other books left me with! M. Vertalino

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon  ($11.99) 
Kindle ($2.99)


Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.
Happiness Path Journal Printables
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.

Here's what you get in the whole package:
  • 1 Processing page
  • 1 Progress page
  • 10 Extra Steps pages that magnify what you want to teach your ego
  • 3  Note Sheets (lined, dotted, and blank)
  • 4 Covers for binders, 4 Insides, and 4 backsides (mix and match!)
  • 1 printing note sheet
Scalable PDFs in A5, Half-Page, Happy Planner Classic, and Letter. Duplex able.

Ink friendly in color and in B&W.

$4 on Etsy


<![CDATA[Happiness Path Journal printables now available on Etsy!]]>Sun, 29 Mar 2020 22:06:02 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/happiness-path-journal-printables-now-available-on-etsy
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.

Here's what you get in the whole package:
  • 1 Processing page
  • 1 Progress page
  • 10 Extra Steps pages that magnify what you want to teach your ego
  • 3  Note Sheets (lined, dotted, and blank)
  • 4 Covers for binders, 4 Insides, and 4 backsides (mix and match!)
  • 1 printing note sheet
Scalable PDFs in A5, Half-Page, Happy Planner Classic, and Letter. Duplex able.

Ink friendly in color and in B&W.

$4 on Etsy

Picture“Realizing that all life is energy, I felt there had to be a tangible connection between the physical world we move around in, and the inner world of intent. I knew that I was already creating my experiences, but I lacked the understanding which would allow me to create them consciously. The Happiness Path provides you that understanding. It shows you the Creative Process. Thank you Joanne!” A. Williamson

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon  ($11.99) 
Kindle ($2.99

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon  ($11.99) 
Kindle ($2.99)

<![CDATA[Don’t Force Yourself To Be Happy About Something You Hate. Create What You'll Love.]]>Wed, 30 Jan 2019 23:08:51 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/dont-force-yourself-to-be-happy-about-something-you-hate-create-what-youll-love
The Happiness Path. Change your past, change your future. Joanne Wilshin
Maybe you’ve heard people tell you when you’re angry, worried, sad, or jealous, “Let it go,” or “Stop thinking about it.”

Or maybe you’ve read ads telling you, “Release negative emotions with essential oils [or yoga, running, etc.]”

What all these suggestions miss, lovely and well-intended as they are, is that you’re never going to feel better until the thing causing your emotion change for the better.
This is broader than the Law of Attraction.
This is the Law of Creating (which includes attracting).
It incorporates your Creative System.

In The Happiness Path, I explain that our emotions are like the oil gauge on a car’s dashboard. The red light indicating the car needs oil is only going to go away when oil has been added to the car. 

Ignoring the red light is not an option. You must fix the problem or you’ll e creating even more damage.

Ignoring your red-light emotions is the same. You must fix the problem for the red light to go away.

How, you wonder?

Here’s how.
  1. Feel the feeling. Even numbness is a red-light feeling.
  2. Ask yourself what you fear. Trust me, if you’re experiencing a red-light feeling, you’ve got a fear or two (or three or four) going on.
  3. For each fear, ask yourself what you want instead. Don’t just say the opposite, i.e., “I fear failing so I want to succeed.” In reality, you probably want to shine. So figure out what you want really instead.  
  4. Imagine it. Take a few seconds or longer to actually see it in your head. Do you get a green-light feeling? If so, then you’ve pegged what you want. Or do you still have a red-light feeling? If so, keep searching your mind and heart for what you really want. It helps to imagine something that doesn’t hurt others in any way. You having what you want shouldn’t take away from someone else. Want good for yourself and others.
  5. Then trust your creative energy and the Universe to do their mojo and create what you want.

Note: I go into much more detail about discovering what you really want, finding the subconscious beliefs inhibiting your success, and subsequently creating what you want in my book The Happiness Path. Get your copy on Amazon. Softback or electronic/Kindle.

Here’s an example from my own life using The Happiness Path process:

In 1998 my daughter Lisa, who was a senior in college, called me in early October to tell me she wanted to drop out of school.

I was floored. My anguish and sadness knew no bounds. I had to do something, and yet I felt so helpless.

But I’d just published Take a Moment and Create Your Life, so I knew exactly what I had to do. I got out my journal and wrote, “What do I fear?”

That was easy. I feared she’d fail. I feared she’d give up on herself. I feared she’d hit a wall in her work as an art major.

Then I wrote, “What do I want.”

This too was easy. I wanted her to succeed. I wanted her to be proud of herself. I wanted her work to excel and thrive.

Then I imagined her calling me on the phone and excitedly saying, “Mom, guess what! Mom, guess what!” I never filled in the what. I just focused on her happy voice, because it made me feel happy too.

Two weeks went by, with me focusing on her calling and say, “Mom, guess what!” Then I got the call. She said, and I kid you not, “Mom, guess what!” She’d earned a slot in a group show at school.

Then I got another “Mom, guess what!” call. She’d won a scholarship that paid for her last two trimesters before graduation.

This kept happening all year. Ultimately, she won a scholarship and a fellowship, and she earned the Dean’s undergraduate award.

Try this out for the next day or two. What new reality do you create for yourself?

Have friends and family who might find this information useful? Please share this with them.
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.
Happiness Path Journal Printables
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.

Here's what you get in the whole package:
  • 1 Processing page
  • 1 Progress page
  • 10 Extra Steps pages that magnify what you want to teach your ego
  • 3  Note Sheets (lined, dotted, and blank)
  • 4 Covers for binders, 4 Insides, and 4 backsides (mix and match!)
  • 1 printing note sheet
Scalable PDFs in A5, Half-Page, Happy Planner Classic, and Letter. Duplex able.

Ink friendly in color and in B&W.

$4 on Etsy


This book fills the holes where others left off.
The Happiness Path
I cannot say enough about this book. I have read almost all of the famous books out there about the mind-body connection and how your body reacts/responds/creates your life from a combination of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, including but not limited to "Ask and it is Given," by Esther and Jerry Hicks & "Excuse me, your life is waiting," by Lynn Grabhorn and several others. This book fills in all the holes that the other books left me with! M. Vertalino

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon  ($11.99) 
Kindle ($2.99)


The Happiness Path. Change your past, change your future. Joanne Wilshin. Law of Attraction
Want to learn more ab out turning your emotions and problems into golden opportunities?
You might also like these log entries:
Defy Reality and Create Happiness                    Your Magic Comes from Your Creative System     
<![CDATA[This is Not How This Story Ends. Instead . . .]]>Tue, 29 Jan 2019 23:03:15 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/this-is-not-how-this-story-ends-instead
The Happiness Path. Change your past, change your future. Joanne Wilshin
You know those times, big and small, that trigger your fear, anger, jealous, and sadness? A loved one becomes sick. An accident happens. Someone achieves something you yourself want. You lose something dear to you.
In each of these moments, your emotional response is appropriate just for you. Any responses that is not happiness reveals that you want something else instead.
  • If a dear one becomes sick, your sadness and worry indicate you want the person well.
  • If an accident happens, and people and things are harmed or lost, your sadness and anger show you want these people and things safe and comfortable
  • If someone achieves something you yourself want, your anger and jealousy reveal you want what they have too. (Note: Having it too does not mean the other person can’t also have it.)
  • If you lose something, your worry, sadness, and anger mean you want it found.
But you don’t really want to stay angry, sad, worried, fearful, or jealous for an extended period, because that’s not helpful. You have a life to live.

So what can you do?

Tell yourself: “This is not how this story ends. Instead . . . . . .”

Once you tell yourself this, you begin to realize what you really want.
  • If a dear one is sick, you want them well (or some other positive thought).
  • If an accident happens, you want things repaired and healed, however that may look.
  • If your jealous of someone’s achievement, you realize what you want.
  • If you’ve lost something, you want it found (or something else.)

When you realize what you want, affirm it. Actually say aloud or to yourself: I want _______________.  Create the intention so it can manifest. (Read why it's important to defy reality and create good.)

Then imagine it coming about. Does it feel good? If so, you’re on the right track. If it doesn’t feel good, go back and search for what you really, really want that will make you feel happy.

Two ways you can improve your intention are:
  1. Want everyone and everything included the topic to get what they want, even if you don’t know what that might be. 
  2. Give yourself what you really want. No need to be greedy or vengeful. You getting what you want doesn’t mean someone else loses. There’s plenty. (Read why it's so important you have what you really desire.)

Once you’ve figured out what you want, and you’ve affirmed or intended it, get out of the way and let your creative energy and the universe do their magic. Hold the intention, but get out of the way. Keep the faith, no matter how long.

Here’s an example:

My husband Dave’s a lawyer. In court, a judge told Dave’s clients they didn’t need to pay their legal bill in a bankruptcy case. This was insane, of course.

When Dave told me about this, I was really disturbed because the man I love was being mistreated very unfairly. I suggested Dave lodge a complaint. Dave explained that plan could backfire if he ever found himself in this judge’s courtroom again.

Naturally I felt angry. But I decided: This is not how this story ends. I want Dave to be paid for the work and hours he put in for his client.

Three (three!!!!!) months later, Dave’s client wrote him a check for their legal bill. Why? Because they needed him to for them on another issue.

I could never have guessed how my decision that Dave would be paid would actually play out. That’s the beauty of intentions. Like I love to say, “Thinking the right thoughts takes the work out of doing.”

Try this out for the next day or two. What new reality do you create for yourself?

Have friends who might find this information useful? Please share this with them.
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.
Happiness Path Journal Printables
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.

Here's what you get in the whole package:
  • 1 Processing page
  • 1 Progress page
  • 10 Extra Steps pages that magnify what you want to teach your ego
  • 3  Note Sheets (lined, dotted, and blank)
  • 4 Covers for binders, 4 Insides, and 4 backsides (mix and match!)
  • 1 printing note sheet
Scalable PDFs in A5, Half-Page, Happy Planner Classic, and Letter. Duplex able.

Ink friendly in color and in B&W.

$4 on Etsy


”This book fills in all the holes that the other books left me with.”
The Happiness Path
I cannot say enough about this book. I have read almost all of the famous books out there about the mind-body connection and how your body reacts/responds/creates your life from a combination of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, including but not limited to "Ask and it is Given," by Esther and Jerry Hicks & "Excuse me, your life is waiting," by Lynn Grabhorn and several others. This book fills in all the holes that the other books left me with! M. Vertalino

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon  ($11.99) 
Kindle ($2.99)


Want to learn more about turning your emotions and problems into golden opportunities?

The Happiness Path book

Get your copy of The Happiness Path at Amazon.

$11.99 USD

Paperback or Kindle

<![CDATA[There IS Hope for Our Country]]>Wed, 29 Aug 2018 18:01:39 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/there-is-hope-for-our-country
What are YOU creating for our country?
<![CDATA[Use Pinterest to make the best vision board]]>Wed, 23 Mar 2016 00:30:14 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/-use-pinterest-to-make-the-best-vision-boardHow to make the best vision board on Pinterest. When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.
  Visions boards benefit YOU because you look at the things you want so you’ll think about them more often. And thinking = future reality.

  But maybe you don’t have a place to keep your vision board in your home or office. Or perhaps you just don’t have time or access to the right materials in order to cut out all those pictures and words. If that's the case,

Pinterest to the rescue.

  Pinterest lets you have two hidden boards. Make one of them your vision board. Do what you like with the other one.  
  1. Log into Pinterest.
  2. Think of something you’d like to have in your life.
  3. Write it in the Search space at the top and press enter.
  4. You’ll see a bunch of pictures. Find one you like, and click the red P.
  5. A new window will open. It asks you where you’d like to pin the picture. Scroll to the bottom right and click Create a Board.
  6. On the next screen, name your new board Vision Board, or whatever you like.
  7. Just below that, you’re asked if you want to make it secret. If you do, move the slider so it says yes.
  8. Then go to the bottom and click Create. Voila!
  9. Next write things that make you happy in the search area at the top of your Pinterest page. When you see pictures that make you FEEL happy and alive, pin them to your vision board.
  10. If there are things you see in your Google searches, but aren’t on Pinterest, here’s what to do. Install Pinterest’s browser button from here. Then, when you find something you like while surfing the Internet, just click the little red P at the top of your browser. This will automatically pin what you like to your Pinterest site.
   Have fun creating it all!
   Thank you for reading! Please share with your friends. You never know who it'll help or delight.

“The book is concise and to the point. The author does not ramble on with personal stories either. It is clear cut and to the point. You will learn how to dig deep within yourself to discover past criticisms and old beliefs that are holding you down, change them and recreate your life in wonderful ways and manifest/create an awesome future! I think this is the best book I have ever read in my life!” M. Vertalino

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon    
Kindle ($2.99) orPaperback
Barnes&Noble Nook
Smashwords ($1.99)

<![CDATA[You know you’re on your Happiness Path if . . . . ]]>Wed, 23 Mar 2016 00:18:32 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/-you-know-youre-on-your-happiness-path-if7 ways to know you're on your Happiness Path. When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path. When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path. When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.
  You’ll know you’re on The Happiness Path if you often find yourself doing the following:

1. When you experience an uncomfortable emotion, you don’t ignore it and hope it goes away. You’ve already learned that uncomfortable feelings don’t go away all on their own; they just go underground. And you know those feeling only go away when the cause goes away. You know what I mean. If someone’s hitting you, your anger

says, “This is NOT making me happy. Create something different.” So a big rule for you is: If something makes you mad or sad, don’t pretend it doesn’t.

2. When you experience an uncomfortable emotion you welcome it as an opportunity to discover what will really make you happy. You’ve read The Happiness Path, so you know exactly how to get at what you really want. It’s not hard. And figuring it out puts you on the path to creating happiness. Which improves life dramatically. Everyone should be doing this!

3. You watch your thoughts because you know they create your future experiences. Yep.  You’ve had to break some mental habits. You’re not sarcastic anymore. And you don’t go around blaming others for your experiences. Oh, you fall behind sometimes, but, in general, you catch yourself and start thinking about what makes you happy. Your thoughts will become themselves!

4. When you consciously think about what you want, you hold the intention that all involved get what they need to feel happy. You’ve experimented with this and know firsthand that intending good for all involved (even your fiercest foes!) is easier for your energy to create than creating happiness just for you. 

5. You realize your happiness is the most important thing. Yep! You agree with this. You didn’t at first. You thought it was selfish to make your happiness the most important thing. But now you realize that you’re not happy when others are unhappy, so creating your happiness means you’re also creating others’ happ6.

6. You know that your happiness never has to mean someone else suffers. Everything is possible.
This is probably the biggest lesson you’ve learned on your Happiness Path. It really is easier to create good for yourself and others than to create good just for yourself. Plus you don’t have to know what makes others happy. You just need to intend for them to be happy. Weird magic! Blessed magic!

7. You keep a journal of all your positive creations because you’re grateful for all your Creative System (mind/heart) has created. You’ve finally figured this out too. Keeping a list of all your creations helps you most when you forget your God-given power to create happiness for yourself and for those in your circle. And I mean real happiness. I don’t mean deciding that awful things are actually good for some reason. Nope. I mean using your Creative System to replace the awful with good. That’s heaven on earth, is it not.

Thank you for reading! Please share with your friends. You never know who it'll help or delight.
”This book fills in all the holes that the other books lefts me with.”
The Happiness Path
“Learn how to dig deep within yourself to discover pats criticisms and old beliefs that are holding you down, change them and recreate your life in wonderful ways and manifest/create an awesome future!” M. Vertalino

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon  ($11.99) 
Kindle ($2.99)


Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.
Happiness Path Journal Printables
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.

Here's what you get in the whole package:
  • 1 Processing page
  • 1 Progress page
  • 10 Extra Steps pages that magnify what you want to teach your ego
  • 3  Note Sheets (lined, dotted, and blank)
  • 4 Covers for binders, 4 Insides, and 4 backsides (mix and match!)
  • 1 printing note sheet
Scalable PDFs in A5, Half-Page, Happy Planner Classic, and Letter. Duplex able.

Ink friendly in color and in B&W.

$4 on Etsy


<![CDATA[Five times you know you need to sit down and do some serious desiring]]>Fri, 04 Mar 2016 01:56:04 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/-five-times-you-know-you-need-to-sit-down-and-do-some-serious-desiringBoredome: the desire for desires. When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.
  1. When you’re unhappy in your job, but don’t think you have any choices for your next step.  Clue: What would you be doing that would make you feel really happy? Don’t let the yeah-buts distract you. Really think about what you want.
  2. When you’re in a relationship rut, but you don’t know how to make it better, and you don’t want to leave. Clue: What do you want your relationship to look like,

  1. regardless of whether you think this is possible.  Imagine and desire what seems impossible.
  2. When you’re watching TV and you have this feeling you should be doing something else with your life. Clue: What do you really want to be doing? What does that look like? Better yet, how does it feel when you have what you desire?
  3. When you look in the mirror and are disappointed by what you see. Clue: What do you want to look like, even if it’s hard to imagine. Start imagining it. Feel yourself being what you want. Desire it.
  4. When you don’t feel like doing anything at all. Clue: If you were doing something, what would it be that would energize and inspire you? Imagine yourself doing it. Feel it in your body. Desire it!
Thank you for reading! Please share with your friends. You never know who it'll help or delight.
Thank you for reading! Please share with your friends. You never know who it'll help or delight.
"I can not say enough about this book. I have read almost all of the famous
books out there about the mind-body connection and how your body reacts/responds/creates your life from a combination of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, including but not limited to "Ask and it is Given," by Esther and Jerry Hicks & "Excuse me, your life is waiting," by Lynn Grabhorn and several others. This book fills in all the holes that the other books left me with!" M. Vertalino

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon    
Kindle ($2.99) orPaperback
Barnes&Noble Nook
Smashwords ($1.99)

<![CDATA[Get clear about what you desire]]>Fri, 04 Mar 2016 01:45:47 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/get-clear-about-what-you-desireDesire, burning desire, is basic to achieving anything beyond the ordinary. PWhen you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.icture
   Regardless of what certain philosophies and religions say about desire, we are designed to want things. We’re designed to desire, just as we’re designed to digest food, think, and protect ourselves.

   The practice of not wanting actually gets in the way of our humanity. Just as wanting prods us toward our humanity.
Wanting is what has created all the good in the world. Wanting has motivated the ends of wars, the invention of

near magical products, and beautiful relationships and families.

   But wanting has also created bad in the world. Wanting has created wars, inspired greed, and broken relationships and families. A lot of the wanting that creates bad in the world is ordinary, knee-jerk wanting.  
  Obviously then, there is a certain kind of wanting that brings about good and that which is exemplary,  and there’s a certain kind of wanting that brings about the normal, ordinary negative stuff.  
The difference? Intention. More specifically, intentions that choose to create good for all involved. Here are some examples:
  1. You have a friend who has a lot of money. Being with this friend makes you feel jealous, which is uncomfortable. In that moment, what it is that you want to feel happy? Think about this for a moment, because your answer needs to be expressed in the positive and so that everyone involved feels good. A possible answer is: I want to have all the money I need to pay for the things I want so I feel comfortable and happy.  That may sound a little Pollyanna, but it is the truth. In this statement, you’re creating the means to pay for that which you want that makes you happy. You’re not undermining anyone else. In fact the statement makes sure you don’t have creditors.
  2. You’ve had a disagreement with someone and you feel wronged. Your first instinct is to punish your friend in some way. But it would be nice if your friend apologized instead. What you really  want is for the two of you to start off on new footing. What could you want so both you and your friend feel good again. How’s this: I want whatever misunderstanding we have to come out in the open to it can be cleaned away in the way that is best for the two of us so we can remain good friends.  

   Wanting is one of the most wonderful things you can do for yourself and others. Just take the time to think about what you want so it brings the most good. Take your wanting to a higher level and leave the ordinary wanting behind.

Thank you for reading! Please share with your friends. You never know who it'll help or delight.
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.
Happiness Path Journal Printables
Get yours now! Printable journal pages to support your conscious creating using The Happiness Path.

Here's what you get in the whole package:
  • 1 Processing page
  • 1 Progress page
  • 10 Extra Steps pages that magnify what you want to teach your ego
  • 3  Note Sheets (lined, dotted, and blank)
  • 4 Covers for binders, 4 Insides, and 4 backsides (mix and match!)
  • 1 printing note sheet
Scalable PDFs in A5, Half-Page, Happy Planner Classic, and Letter. Duplex able.

Ink friendly in color and in B&W.

$4 on Etsy


When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.
When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.
“The book is concise and to the point. The author does not ramble on with personal stories either. It is clear cut and to the point. You will learn how to dig deep within yourself to discover past criticisms and old beliefs that are holding you down, change them and recreate your life in wonderful ways and manifest/create an awesome future! I think this is the best book I have ever read in my life!” M. Vertalino

The Happiness Path
Buy on Amazon    
Kindle ($2.99) orPaperback
Barnes&Noble Nook
Smashwords ($1.99)

<![CDATA[Time to have a chat with your soul!]]>Fri, 04 Mar 2016 01:37:25 GMThttp://joannewilshin.com/happinesspathblog/-time-to-have-a-chat-with-your-soulAll that spirits desire spirits attain? Khalil Gibran. When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.
  Remembering you have a soul that wants to be active in your life can be a game changer. Why? For one thing, your soul doesn’t want you to fail. For another, your soul knows a lot about you that you either forget, don’t believe, or don’t want to believe. And last, your soul has a knack for knowing things and getting information that your physical body and brain simply can’t compete with.
Realizing this, wouldn’t it be grand to sit down every day and have a little chat with your soul!
But how?

When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.   I’m going to give you some ways, but first, you need to know a couple more things. First, your soul does want to have a way to communicate with you so what comes through is understandable and helpful. It may show you pictures you see in your head, or it may speak like a voice in your head, or you might suddenly just know something. These are all pretty normal.

   However your soul communicates with you, it should feel loving, generous, and kind. Your soul’s not into sacrifice, or sarcasm, or revenge. It always strives to give you solutions that bring about good without destroying others. If a solution requires sacrifice, sarcasm, or revenge, it’s not a solution because the negative feelings are still not assuaged. Real solutions create peace.

   Another thing you need to know is that it’s not hard to connect with your soul. Your soul wants to communicate with you. In fact, it’s always trying.

   To begin, get yourself in a quiet space so you can hear or see its responses. A intricate ritual is not necessary. Lots of people do this in a bathtub or shower, or a Jacuzzi. Being in water is very conducive to intuiting, which is what you’ll be doing with your soul

   Also, make sure you have some way to record the information you get. Perhaps a journal will be helpful. Or a recording device.

   Once comfortable, in your mind, tell your soul you’d like to talk with it and get its thoughts about the life you both are leading. I actually call my soul Soul or My Soul. It helps to be clear, I think.

   After you’ve said all this, and you think you’ve told it all that it needs to know to begin with, be quiet and pay attention. My soul usually talks to me, but sometimes it shows me things in my mind. Sometimes I’m just suddenly aware of something.

   But sometimes, I put a pen in my non-dominant hand and just let my hand start writing. I’ve gotten some of the most amazing information this way. Try it. Definitely try it.

   Regardless of whether you do the non-dominant hand writing, keep track of what you ask your soul and the responses you get. Be prepared for answers to be metaphoric at times.

   Also, when you get an answer, ask it a question about that answer. You’ll get a much deeper understanding of what your soul’s talking about when you do this.

   So give it a try. Talk with your soul about all kinds of topics. Ask it advice. Ask it for help. Ask for it to tell you its views on different topics. Ask it what it wants. Ask it to want what you want so you can create it together. After all, as Gibran wrote, “All that spirits desire spirits attain.”
Thank you for reading! Please share with your friends. You never know who it'll help or delight.
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Happiness Path Journal Printables
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When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.
When you change your past, you change your future. Joanne Wilshin. The Happiness Path.
“Learn how to dig deep within yourself to discover pats criticisms and old beliefs that are holding you down, change them and recreate your life in wonderful ways and manifest/create an awesome future!” M. Vertalino

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